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Hakimi, S, MacInnes, JJ, Dickerson, KC, McDonald, K, & Adcock, RA. Encoded temporal representations predict VTA neurofeedback-mediated learning to self-regulate motivation. 2019 DIBS Distinguished Lecture & Symposium, Durham, NC, 2019.

Hsiung, A., Hakimi, S., Adcock, R. A., Pearson, J. M., & Huettel, S. A. The effects of evidence accumulation on incidental memory. 2019 DIBS Distinguished Lecture & Symposium, Durham, NC, 2019.

Wright, R, Faul, L, Hoscheidt, SM, Adcock, RA, & LaBar, KS. Reward rescues navigation performance from the impairing effects of stress. 2019 DIBS Distinguished Lecture & Symposium, Durham, NC, 2019.


Thorp, JN, Hakimi, S, Dickerson, KC, MacInnes, J, Adcock, RA. Mesolimbic connectivity during neurofeedback training predicts learning to volitionally activate the ventral tegmental area. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, 2018.

Hakimi, S, MacInnes, JJ, Dickerson, KC, & Adcock, RA. Encoded temporal representations predicting VTA neurofeedback-mediated learning to self-regulate motivation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Philadelphia, PA, 2018.

Hsiung, A., Hakimi, S., Adcock, R. A., Pearson, J. M., & Huettel, S. A. The effects of evidence accumulation on incidental memory. Society for Neuroeconomics Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA  2018.

Hakimi S, MacInnes J, Dickerson K, & Adcock RA. Temporal structure of learning to regulate ventral tegmental area using real-time neurofeedback. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Philadelphia, PA, 2018.


Dickerson, KC, MacDuffie, KE, MacInnes, J, Eddington, KM, Strauman, TJ, Adcock RA. Real-time fMRI as a CBT adjunct: predicting the behavioral impact of neurofeedback American College of Neuropsychopharmachology, Hollywood, FL, 2018.

Dickerson, KC, MacDuffie, KE, MacInnes, J, Eddington, KM, Strauman, TJ, Adcock RA. Using real-time neurofeedback as a tool for demonstrating therapeutic efficacy. Translational Science, Washington, DC, 2018

Dickerson, KC, MacDuffie, KE, MacInnes, J, Eddington, KM, Strauman, TJ, Adcock RA. Using real-time neurofeedback as a tool for demonstrating therapeutic efficacy. Society for Biological Psychiatry, New York, NY, 2018.

Thorp, JN, Hakimi, S, Dickerson, KC, MacInnes, J, Adcock, RA. Functional Connectivity Between the VTA and Hippocampus Predicts Learning to Volitionally Activate the VTA. Triangle Society for Neuroscience, Raleigh, NC, 2018.

Dickerson, KC, Biswas, S, Thorp, JN, Shrestha, S, Hakimi, S, & Adcock, RA. Neurofeedback of the dopamine system using EEG and fMRI. Duke CTSA Symposium, Durham, NC, 2018.

Chandrasherkeran, SV, Hakimi, S, Thorp, JN, Shrestha, S, Dickerson, KC, & Adcock, RA. The effects of labeling volitional motivation during real-time EEG Neurofeedback. Duke Undergraduate Neuroscience Graduation with Distinction Poster Session, Durham, NC, 2018.

Hakimi S, MacInnes J, Dickerson KC, & Adcock RA. Modeling learning from real-time fMRI neurofeedback. Real-Time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference, Nara, Japan, 2017.

Dickerson, KC, MacDuffie, KE, MacInnes, J, Eddington, KM, Strauman, TJ, Adcock RA. Using real-time neurofeedback as a tool for demonstrating therapeutic efficacy. Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference, Nara, Japan, 2017.

Biswas, S†, Hakimi, S, Kollins, S, Adcock, RA, & Dickerson, KC. Evaluating real-time fMRI neurofeedback as an ADHD treatment. Duke Psychology Vertical Integration Program Poster Session, Durham, NC, 2017.

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